Registration; Library services are free to anyone living or owning property within the city limits of Kimberly because the library is supported by their property taxes. People who reside outside the city limits will be required to pay a $15.00 per year family registration fee. An adult family member must fill out and sign an application form, including Driver’s License or State ID number, and show proof of residence. A number will be assigned and a library card will be issued.
Collection; The Library has a collection of books encompassing the interests of all ages, from board books for toddlers to fiction and non-fiction for children, juveniles, young adults and adults.
We have current issues of many magazines, and back issues of the Kimberly Advertiser , East County Chronicle and the Rock Creek Star.
A collection of recorded books on CD is available for both adults and children. Music CD’s are also available. We have educational, classic and entertainment DVD’s and Blu-Ray’s for children and adults. Audio and ebooks are available through Libby.
The Library is not responsible for damage to patron’s equipment that is used to play library materials.
Internet access is available for public use. A signed internet use policy is required for each user and for patrons under 18 this form must also be signed by a parent or legal guardian. Public access computers are filtered. Filters may be turned off at the discretion of the librarian. Wireless internet is also available 24/7.
Services; The staff is pleased to assist patrons with questions. If an item from the library collection is not immediately available, it may be put “on reserve”, and the patron will we notified by text message when the item is available. Item will be held for two weeks from date of notification. Interlibrary loan service is offered for materials or information not available at our library.
A copy machine and a printer are available for public use. The first three black & white pages are free. Additional pages are $0.10 each. Color pages are $0.25 each.
A fax machine is available. The cost is $1.00 for the first page and $0.25 for each page thereafter.
Applications are also available for the Talking Books program for the blind or handicapped offered through the Idaho Commission for Libraries.
A drop is located by the front door for convenient return of materials.
Checkout procedure; Items are checked out for a 14-day period. Materials may be renewed by request up to three times, except for new materials, which may be renewed only once. Materials that are on reserve for another patron cannot be renewed.
Overdue fines: Fines for overdue items are $0.10 per day per item. Accumulated charges of $3.00 per family may cause library service to be limited. No service will be given to any account having a charge of $5.00 or more.
Lost or damaged materials: If library materials are lost or damaged beyond repair, the replacement cost plus a processing fee of $5.00 may be charged or the patron can replace lost or damaged items with a new copy. Charges for damaged materials that can be repaired will be based on the extent of the damage.
Responsibility for the reading materials selected by minor children rests with their parents or legal guardians.
The use of the library or its services may be denied by library personnel for due cause, which may include failure to return books or pay fines or penalties , destruction of library property, the disturbance of other patrons, or any objectionable conduct as may be defined by the Library Board of Trustees.
Your questions and suggestions are always welcome.
This policy approved by the Kimberly Public Library Board on December 7, 2023.